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Since most of my career has been in industry (vs. academia), publications have never been a huge focus of mine. However, when it makes sense, I enjoy writing papers and speaking at conferences. My Google Scholar profile has a full list of publications as well.
Baker, C., & Batavia, P. (2016). BLAST: Bandwidth and Latency-Scalable Teleoperation. Proceedings of NDIA Ground Vehicle Systems Engineering and Technology Symposium. Novi, MI: NDIA.
Gregory, D., Batavia, P., Coats, M., Allport, C., Jennings, A., & Ernst, R. (2013). The UAS Control Segment Architecture: An Overview. Proceedings of SPIE Open Architecture / Open Business Model Net Centric Systems and Defense Transformation. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
Stancil, B., Hyams, J., Shelly, J., Babu, K., Badino, H., Bansal, A., Batavia, P. (2013). CANINE: A Robotic Mine Dog. Proceedings IS&T / SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging.
Gardner, C., Wentworth, R., Batavia, P., Gilbert, G., & Treado, P. (2008). Remote Chemical Biological and Explosive Agent Detection using a Robot-Based Raman Detector. Proceedings Unmanned Systems Technology X. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
Hyams, J., & Batavia, P. (2008). Soldier Universal Robot Controller. Proceedings Unmanned Systems Technology X. Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
Clark, M., Batavia, P., & Wit, J. (2006). Results of JAUS OPC Experiement 3.0. Proceedings Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International Unmanned Systems North America. Orlando, FL: AUVSI.
Kobilarov, M., Sukhatme, G., Hyams, J., & Batavia, P. (2006). People tracking and following with mobile robot using an omnidirectional camera and a laser. Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Orlando: IEEE.
Watts, R., & Batavia, P. (2004). Collaborative Robotics Design Considerations. Warren, MI: Army Tank Automotive Research Development and Engineering Center.
Batavia, P., Roth, S., & Singh, S. (2002). Autonomous Coverage Operations in Semi-Structured Outdoor Environments. Proceedings IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Lausanne, Switzerland: IEEE
Batavia, P., & Singh, S. (2002). Obstacle Detection in Smooth High Curvature Terrain. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Washington, DC: IEEE.
Roth, S., & Batavia, P. (2002). Evaluating Path Tracker Performance for Outdoor Mobile Robots. Automation Technology for Off-Road Equipment.
Batavia, P., & Singh, S. (2001). Obstacle Detection Using Adaptive Color Segmentation and Color Stereo Homography. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Seoul: IEEE.
Batavia, P., & Nourbakhsh, I. (2000). Path Planning for the Cye Personal Robot. Proceedings IEEE / RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Takamatsu, Japan: IEEE.
Batavia, P. (1999). Driver Adaptive Lane Departure Warning Systems. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University Ph.D. Thesis.
Batavia, P., Pomerleau, D., & Thorpe, C. (1998). Predicting Lane Position for Roadway Departure Prevention. Proceedings IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium. IEEE.
Batavia, P., Pomerleau, D., & Thorpe, C. (1997). Overtaking Vehicle Detection Using Implicit Optical Flow. Proceedings of Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Boston: IEEE.
Batavia, P., Pomerleau, D., & Thorpe, C. (1996). Applying Advanced Learning Algorithms to ALVINN. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University.
Batavia, P., & Lewis, M. (1995). Reduced Complexity Vision Systems for Autonomous Helicopter Navigation. Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. Nagoya, Japan: IEEE.